Logo NetSet NetSet

Network datasets

Logo Telecom
In Python, you can load each dataset through the load_netset function of scikit-network.

WikiVitals Graph: 824,999 edges
Bipartite graph: 1,363,301 edges

Vital articles of Wikipedia in English (level 4) with links between them and words used in summaries.

WikiVitals+ Graph: 3,946,850 edges
Bipartite graph: 4,786,126 edges

Vital articles of Wikipedia in English (level 5) with links between them and words used in summaries.

WikiVitals (fr) Graph: 558,427 edges
Bipartite graph: 873,555 edges

Vital articles of Wikipedia in French (level 4) with links between them and words used in summaries.

WikiSchools Graph: 112,834 edges
Bipartite graph: 474,138 edges

Articles of Wikipedia for schools with links between them and words used in summaries.

WikiHumans Graph: 3,923,957 edges
Bipartite graph: 18,696,818 edges

Articles of Wikipedia on humans with links between them and links to other articles.

WikiLinks Adj.: 67,196,296 edges
Biadj.: 138,856,393 edges

Articles of Wikipedia (2013) with links between them and words used in summaries.

OpenFlights Graph: 36,386 edges

Airports with daily number of flights between them.

Cinema Bipartite graph: 304,006 edges

Graph between movies and actors.

20NewsGroups Bipartite graph: 1,227,059 edges

Graph between messages (in 20 newsgroups) and words.

CiteSeer Graph: 9,072 edges

Graph of scientific publications.

Cora Graph: 5,429 edges
Bipartite graph: 49,216 edges

Graph of citations between scientific publications.

PolBlogs Graph: 19,025 edges

Graph of political blogs and links between them.

Math World Graph: 49,069 edges
Bipartite graph: 42,114 edges

Graph of mathematical concepts and mathematicians.

Chess openings Bipartite graph: 63,050 edges

Graph between chess players and chess openings.

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Thomas Bonald | Simon Delarue

Logo Telecom

19 Place Marguerite Perey

91120 Palaiseau


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